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Alpe Adria Green international org.

Alpe Adria Green is an international, non-governmental, apolitical and non-profit environmental organization based in Slovenia. It is registered as an ecologically oriented organization that operates in Slovenia, Italy, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo and Macedonia. The AAG group is active in the fields of nature protection, environmental protection, energy sector, transport and sustainable development in the south-west Europe.

Alpe Adria Green is an associate member of the global environmental organizations: The Global Call for Climate Action (, generation Awake (, European Platform Against Windfarms ( and the World Council for Nature (

The main objectives of the organization AAG:

  • Protection of nature, the environment and human health

  • Acquisition of knowledge for the effective coping with environmental problems

  • Solving ecological problems

  • Helping associations and civil initiatives in the field of ecology

  • International cooperation with ecological organizations in the fields of nature protection, health and the environment

  • Air quality measurements with the Cerex UV Hound device

  • Representation of the members of the AAG in legal matters in the fields of environment and nature protection

AAG is operating in concern for the development of the quality of life based on the exercise of proper human relations towards nature and the environment, ethical values, and the respect for all life and the responsibility for it, with the aim to raise awareness among people regarding the continuing significance of protecting nature and the environment for present and future generations.



Office AAG


Cesta Borisa Kidriča 37C
Slovenski Javornik
SI – 4270 Jesenice


Address for mail

Cesta Franceta Prešerna 26,
SI – 4270 Jesenice



Phone: +386 (0)51 311 450


Web pages:




















Working conference AAG 2016

Member of the Alpe Adria Green:

1) Alpe Adria Green: Vojko Bernard – representing the entire AAG

2) Slovenia: AAG- Sasa Mlakar – Jesenice – performs the function of Secretary General of the total

3) Italy: AAG – Green Action – Trieste – Roberto Giurastante

4) Croatia: AAG – Eko Kvarner – Rijeka – Vjeran Piršić

5) Bosnia and Herzegovina: AAG-Ekološki Savez “Eko Zeleni” KantonTuzla  – Tuzla-  Dr Muhamed Omerović

6) Serbia: AAG- Zelena Breza- Gacka – Dragan Stojanovič

7) Serbia – Vojvodina: AAG- Vojvođanska zelena inicijativa Novi Sad- Ruža Helać

8) Montenegro: AAG – EUROMOST- Bijelo Polje – Almer Mekić

9) Macedonia: AAG-Dvizenje za okolinata “Molik”- Bitola  – Peter Andes

10) Kosovo: AAG- Pokret za Kosovo i Metohiju – Kosovska Mitrovica – Stevan Pavicevic






  • Goals / remit

    AAG is a non-profit and non-governmental organization, established in 2000. AAG was at first founded by local individuals and civil initiative in accordance of an expectation for single representation of environmental initiatives in Gorenjska, cross border integration, effective environmental actions and nevertheless also of greater effect and influence to creation of environmental policy. It grew to a larger assotiation that is active in several EU and non EU Countries.
    AAG is distinguished by voluntary work in the field of awareness of population on environmental problems in the region. It is also known as performer of environmental actions and as an initiator of environment – friendly solutions.
    AAG is active in order to make people aware of ecology end environmental problems. Its main aim is to spread the understanding of the environmental friendly ideas through eco-patrols, organization of public consultations and seminars on actual environmental problems and challenges. Its mission includes attention to sustainable development, other good practices, cooperation with other environmental NGOs..


  • The organisation’s fields of interests are:​

    • AAG is an association of NGOs, societies, green industry, individuals and entrepreneurs with common environmental interests, established in 2000. We work in all countries of SE of Europe and Italy, where we have our own subsidiaries, and we act in Slovenia as a non-governmental organization in the public interest the field of nature and the environment.

    • The AAG is primarily concerned with the conservation of nature, the protection of the environment, the protection of animals and human health. The AAG's horizontal activities are aimed at ensuring a healthy living environment in accordance with Article 72 of the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, protection of the Adriatic Sea, rivers and rivers, preservation of protected areas, combating climate change, solving ecological problems, education and training and assistance and representation of civil initiatives and members of the AAG in administrative procedures in the field of environmental protection and nature.

    • In its work and setting up activities, AAG follows the needs of local, regional and international environment and nature and relies on the current EU environmental action program with four priorities:
      - climate change - the long-term goal is to prevent global temperature from rising by more than two degrees compared to pre-industrial temperatures;
      - nature and biodiversity - EU objectives not only cover the protection of existing species, but also the prevention and control of the invasion of alien species into habitats, which can ruin the balance of our ecosystems;
      - environment and health and quality of life - reduce the harmfulness of pollution for our health;
      - natural resources and waste - the EU's goal is to reduce both the impact of resource use on the environment and the generation of waste along the same scale of economic growth, which basically means increased use of renewable resources, more recycling and better management of waste residues.

  • Structure

  • Total number of members that are natural persons ( AAG Slovenia):  220

  • Number of member organisations:                         14

  • Member organisations (Number of members) :       1100

AAG is involved in a network of international NGOs

Support Alpe Adria Green! AAG is entirely funded by donations and membership fees and receives no money from governments or corporations. Our dedicated team also provides you and your children a viable future in a healthy environment. Even the smallest contributions will enable us to further action, to thank you in advance: TTK: SI56 9067 2000 0636 284

Alpe Adria Green - mednarodno društvo za zaščito okolja in narave

Prešernova 26, 4270 Jesenice, Slovenija, EU


Pursuant to Article 8 and Article 9 of the Societies Act (Uradni list RS, št. 64/2011), the Assembly of the Alpe Adria Green, the International non-govermental organization for Environmental and Nature Protection, adopted at its extraordinary session on 30 July 2011, the






Alpe Adria Green, International Non –govermental oranisation for the Protection of the Environment and Nature.






Article 1


Association Alpe Adria Green, international non-governmental organization for the protection of the environment and nature (hereinafter referred to AAG) combines domestic and foreign non-governmental organizations for the protection of the environment and nature as well as other legal persons whose activities include the protection of the environment and nature, with the single purpose of coordinating and implementing programs in the field of protection and improvement of the environment and nature, and works in the neighboring countries and countries in the Balkans.



Article 2


The seat of AAG is in Jesenice. AAG operates in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia and in the international area.


Article 3


In its work, the AAG connects, as necessary, with organizations and associations active in the field of environmental protection and nature in the Republic of Slovenia. AAG also works with related organizations of foreign countries and can be involved in international environmental and nature protection organizations.


Article 4


AAG is a legal entity represented and represented by the President of the AAG with unlimited authorization, in the event of his absence or temporary incapacity, the AAG Chief Secretary.

In accordance with territorial law, AAG can open social offices abroad in Slovenia and abroad. The branch is a method of work of the society, which is organized according to the territorial principle. The branch shall be set up by the board of directors of the company on the proposal of members of the company wishing to establish a branch. The branch connects the members of the company with permanent residence in the area on which it is established. Exceptionally, members of the Society who do not fulfill the above mentioned conditions are also connected to the branch at the request. The branch has no legal personality and must act in accordance with the company's Articles of Association. He can not act independently in legal transactions. The members meet at least once a year, but are obligatory before the convocation of the regular assembly of the company. Representatives of the branch are obliged to represent the decisions and positions of their members at the general meeting of the company. They are also obliged to report to the members about the decisions taken and the positions taken at the general meeting. The branch carries out its financial operations through a transaction account with the Bank and as a cash transaction in accordance with the applicable financial regulations and the company's acts. The report on the financial operations of subsidiaries is included in the company's accounts. The legitimate business of the branch is the responsibility of the president of the branch. The organization and operation of the subsidiaries are more closely regulated by the internal acts of the company.


Article 5


The AAG logo is on a yellow background with the inscription: Alpe Adria Green International Organization for the Protection of the Environment and Nature in Slovenian or English

AAG uses its seal. The seal has a rectangular shape in the middle is a sign of AAG, and the top reads: Alpe Adria Green International Organization for environmental protection and nature in Slovenian or English language








Article 6


AAG works in the care for the development of quality of life based on the establishment of a proper human attitude to the environment and nature, ethical values ​​and respect for all life and responsibility for it, with the aim of making people aware of the lasting importance of protecting the environment and nature for present and future generations.


Article 7


AAG implements its objectives by carrying out the following activities:

  • links environmental and nature protection organizations to joint action in the dissemination and deepening of the proper attitude towards a healthy environment and nature;

  • directs and connects the work of members of organizations, participates in their professional training, provides assistance in the planning and implementation of individual tasks and projects;

  • participates in the promotion of environmental education as an integral part of regular education from primary to higher education, in programs of extra-curricular activities and other forms of education (courses, lectures, project presentations) and takes care of information and education through means of public information;

  • participates in the adoption of regulations in the field of environmental protection and nature, conservation of nature and spatial planning, and draws attention to the strict supervision of the implementation of laws and of the measures imposed in the protection of the environment and nature;

  • it is included in the procedures for the preparation of spatial planning documents and in the assessment of their effects on the environment and nature;

  • informs the public about their views on outstanding and unresolved issues of the human environment and nature;

  • encourages cultural, research, ecological, educational and publishing activities in the field of environmental protection and nature;

  • monitors and examines the phenomena of pollution and encroachment on the environment, takes on the principle positions and gives initiatives and guidelines for solving problems of environmental and nature protection;

  • participates in public debates, expert conferences and congresses on the protection of the environment and nature;

  • cooperates with state authorities, public services and economic operators and warns them about harmful activities in their area or in the production process;

- participates in the preparation and implementation of programs, strategies or other documents of sustainable development in the competent state authorities, local communities and holders of public authorizations, proposes measures for:

- improving the protection of air, water, soil and ecosystems and measures to promote the saving of natural resources;

- encouraging the introduction of clean technologies that will guarantee the economy its own existence and development and will not adversely affect the environment and nature;

- Enabling the quality of life in cities and in the countryside, their mutual harmony and their connection with the natural environment and nature;

- reducing the burden on the environment and the nature of production, transport, consumption and energy;

- promotion of sustainable agriculture, the production of healthy and quality food, the preservation of fertility of the soil, controlled consumption of fertilizers and pesticides, and promotion of the human relationship in the breeding of domestic animals;

- protection of forests and agricultural land;

- preservation of outstanding biological and landscape diversity and rich cultural and natural heritage.

It aims to cooperate with other domestic and international organizations in the field of environment and nature protection with a view to coordinated action for the benefit of environmental and nature protection and strives to gain the status of a federation of societies in the public interest.



Article 8


In accordance with Article 9, paragraph 2, of the AAG Act, AAG defines gainful activities in accordance with the regulations of the standard classification of activities: 




Izdajanje časopisov

Publishing of newspapers



Izdajanje revij in druge periodike

Publishing of journals and periodicals



Produkcija filmov, video filmov, televizijskih oddaj

Motion picture, video and television programme production activities



Post produkcijske dejavnosti pri izdelavi filmov, video filmov, televizijskih oddaj

Motion picture, video and television programme post-production activities


Distribucija filmov, video filmov, televizijskih oddaj

Motion picture, video and television programme distribution activities



Obdelava podatkov in s tem povezane dejavnosti

Data processing, hosting and related activities



Znanstvena raziskovalna in razvojna dejavnost

Scientific research and development


Raziskovalna in razvojna dejavnost na drugih področjih naravoslovja in tehnologije

Other research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering



Raziskovalna in razvojna dejavnost na področju družboslovja in humanistike

Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities



Drugje nerazvrščene strokovne in tehnične dejavnosti

Other professional, scientific and technical activities n.e.c.



Organiziranje razstav, sejmov, srečanj

Organisation of conventions and trade shows



Drugje nerazvrščeno izobraževanje, izpopolnjevanje in usposabljanje

Other education n.e.c.



Dejavnost drugje nerazvrščenih članskih organizacij

Activities of other membership organisations n.e.c.







Article 9


Membership in the AAG is voluntary. Functioning in the AAG is based on equality of membership.



Article 10


Members of AAG are legal non-governmental environmental organizations and natural persons active in the field of environmental protection and conservation of nature. The members of the Association are merged into social branches (branches) on the basis of the territorial principle and internal acts of the Society.


Membership in the AAG is voluntary. Companies or other legal entities become members of the AAG on the basis of a decision by their highest authority after the AAG Board of Directors establishes that the company meets the conditions set out in this Statute. On behalf of the company or other legal person, its representative signs a statement that they will act in accordance with this Statute. The membership of the company or other legal entity in the AAG is finally confirmed by the AAG Assembly.


Natural persons may become members of the company, if they comply with the principles of the company's Articles of Association, on the basis of their own signed declaration and the resolution of the company's management board.


The company's bodies maintain a register of membership based on the principles and regulations of the company's internal acts.



Article 11


AAG also has honorable members. The honorary member is given a long-term membership and a merit in the field of protection and improvement of the human environment and the nature, spreading and consolidation of the organization and deepening the citizens' awareness of environmental protection, nature and sustainable development, or for other special merits in the realization of AAG's mission and goals.


The honorary member's title is conferred by the AAG Assembly on the basis of a reasoned proposal by the Management Board with a special resolution.





Article 12


Members' rights are, in particular, in accordance with the Statute:

- participate in the elections and work of the AAG bodies with their representatives;

- to decide independently and voluntarily on their membership of the AAG and their exit;

- elect their representatives to the AAG;

- with their representatives, participate in working committees and other working bodies appointed by the Management Board for the implementation of each task;

- participate in the design of the AAG program and in the implementation of commonly agreed tasks;

- lodge a complaint before the General Meeting of Shareholders regarding the decisions and decisions of the AAG bodies that were adopted in violation of the law, the statute or other general act of the AAG;

- request advice from the AAG authorities and assistance in resolving matters that fall within the AAG area of ​​work.




Article 13


The duties of the members are, in particular, that:

- operate in accordance with the statute, program, decisions taken and AAG's positions on individual issues of protection and improvement of the living environment and nature;

- spread knowledge about the living environment, nature and ecological awareness;

- regularly settle agreed liabilities to the AAG.


Article 14


AAG membership ceases:

- voluntary exit;

- by exclusion, on the basis of the decision of the honorable tribunal;

- by ceasing the existence of the company or by deleting the company from the register;

- by terminating the existence of the association or by deleting the AAG from the register of associations.



Article 15


A member withdraws by written declaration and on the basis of a decision of his / her highest authority. Before leaving, the AAG Board of Directors determines that all obligations between the AAG and the member have been settled.



Article 16


A member may be excluded from the AAG if his actions harm the interests of environmental and nature protection or does not fulfill his obligations as a member of the AAG. The exclusion is decided by the AAG Assembly on the basis of a decision by the honorable tribunal.


Article 17


The rights and duties of members and bodies are honorable. As a rule, members of AAG do not receive payment for their work in the AAG, but after the decision of the Management Board they can be reimbursed the costs incurred, and in case of extraordinary achievements and sacrifice, they also receive a special prize.



Article 18


Each member of a company has the right within one year of the final decision being taken before a court to challenge the decisions of the bodies of associations that were adopted in violation of the law, statute or other general act of the AAG. The company or legal entity that has been refused entry to the AAG has the same right.


It is not permissible to challenge the decisions of the bodies of the association before the court if the possibility of appeal before the general meeting has not been used before.





Article 19


The AAG bodies are the members of the AAG, the AAG's management board, the AAG chairman, the AAG's supervisory board and the honorable tribunal.


The term of office of members' representatives in the AAG bodies is four years with the possibility of re-election.


The representatives of the bodies and the President of the AAG are responsible for their work to the public assembly.





Assembly of members of the AAG



Article 20


Members' assembly is the highest governing body of the AAG.


Members' assembly consists of representatives of social departments, composed of members of the AAG's legal representatives and members - natural persons from individual territorial branches. Each member belongs to one of the members of the Assembly of Representatives. The President of the AAG is by its position a member of the Assembly.


The members of the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board and the Honorary Tribunal shall also be present at the Assembly of Members. The present members of the bodies do not have voting rights.


At the Assembly of Members, individual experts or representatives of other related organizations in the field of environmental protection, nature and media representatives interested in the work of the AAG can be invited. Invited do not have voting rights.




Article 21


The term of office of a representative of a member of the Assembly of Members shall be four years and may be re-elected.


The status of a representative ceases by the end of the mandate or at his request or by the revocation of the authorization of the member who appointed him.


Alternative elections are carried out by a member who has canceled the authorization to the representative. The term of office of the substitute representative shall run until the expiry of the term of office of the dismissed or recalled representative.



Article 22


The Assembly of the Assembly of Members is regular and extraordinary, convened by the President of the AAG.


The regular assembly is convened once a year or if necessary.


The Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened whenever at least half of its members so request, the President of the AAG, the Management Board or the Supervisory Board. If the President of the AAG does not convene a general meeting within one month, it shall be convened by the proposer himself and submit the agenda and materials themselves. The Extraordinary Assembly only decides on the matter for which it is convened.



Article 23


The work of the assembly of members is public and regulated by the internal acts of the association. Voting shall be made publicly or by secret, as the members of the assembly make. Elections to AAG bodies are usually secret.


The convening of the members' assembly is published in electronic media.


A record is written about the work of the members' assembly, signed by the president of the AAG, the recorder and two certifiers.



Article 24


The assembly of members of the AAG is quorum if at least half of the representatives of the members of the AAG are present from all territorial societies. If there is no quorum of the members' assembly, the session shall be postponed for half an hour and then there shall be a valid decision if at least one third of the members are present.


Decisions shall be taken by a majority of the members present.



Article 25


Members' Choice AAG:

- Adopts the Statute, its amendments, amendments, interpretations of the AAG Statute and other general acts of the AAG;

- adopts work programs and basic views on environmental and nature protection issues;

- sets out guidelines for the work of the AAG authorities;

- elects and dismisses the President of the AAG, the members of the Management and Supervisory Board and the members of the honorable tribunal,

- approves the members of the AAG and appoints Honorary Members of the AAG;

- adopts the financial plan and the annual report of the AAG;

- resolves appeals against the decisions of the Management Board and the Honorary Tribunal of the AAG;

- the decision to terminate the AAG and its assets;

- appoint representatives of the AAG in working bodies of state bodies, local community bodies and holders of public authorizations dealing with issues of environmental and nature protection

- decide on the inclusion in other international organizations in the field of environmental protection and nature or on cooperation with other countries' organizations in the field of environmental protection and nature.


Management Board


Article 26


The Board of Directors is the highest executive body of the members' assembly and runs the work of the AAG between two general assembly assemblies. The Management Board is responsible for its work to the Assembly.


The Management Board shall consist of:

- President of the AAG;

- all the Chairs of the AAG branches;

- chairmen of commissions;

- Chief Secretary;

- cashier.


Representatives in the Management Board are elected by the Assembly for a period of four years with the possibility of re-election. Elected representatives must be members of a company or legal entity referred to in Article 1 of this Statute for at least two years or persons who have proven to be extremely prominent in their work in the field of work protection.


In duly justified cases, the Management Board may, during its term of office, appoint other members to the Management Board, but up to a maximum of 1/3 of all members.



Article 27


The Management Board shall carry out the following matters:

- prepare proposals for the Statute and its amendments, motions for resolutions, positions and other general acts of the AAG;

- confirms the proposal of the AAG's work program adopted by the Assembly;

- implement the decisions of the AAG Assembly;

- transmit to the competent authorities proposals, comments and opinions on draft laws, regulations and other general acts relating to the protection of the environment and nature;

- appoints and dismisses the director of the company,

- appoint representatives of the AAG in other organizations when the appointment of the AAG is not the responsibility of the AAG;

- prepare and consider the proposal of the financial plan and the annual report of the AAG and monitor the financial position and operations of the AAG;

- coordinates the work of members and bodies of the AAG;

- appoint members of working groups and advisory groups,

- report to the Assembly on its work;

- in extraordinary circumstances, take over the powers of the AAG Assembly.



Article 28


The Management Board is convened and chaired by the President of the AAG. If he is detained, he leads a meeting of the board of directors of one of the chairmen of the AAG branches or a member of the board of directors who, according to his work orientation, knows the issues that are on the agenda.


Meetings are public. The Management Board shall make a valid decision if at least one of its members is present at the meeting. The Management Board shall decide by a majority vote of all present.



Article 29


The Secretary General of AAG carries out expert technical and administrative work and ensures coordination between the AAG bodies. In order to carry out administrative work, the Administrative Board may also have an administrative worker.


The company's treasurer ensures consistent financial performance of the company and prepares a report on its operations. He is responsible for his work to the Governing Board and to the General Meeting.



Article 30


To study individual issues, the Management Board has:


a. Working Commission:


Commission for Nature Conservation

Commission for Environmental Protection

Energy Commission;

Commission for Education, Health Care, Consumer Protection and Environmental Hygiene, Waste and Nature;



On the proposal of the Steering Committee, new working groups may be set up or the existing working groups may be abolished or reformed.


b. Advisory Group


The Advisory Group is a group of advisors consisting of top experts in the field of environmental protection, nature, culture, science and the economy, with the task of advising on the compilation and implementation of the AAG program.



President AAG



Article 31


The President represents and represents the AAG. The term of office of the President of the AAG is four years with the possibility of re-election.


The chairman is responsible for the operation of the AAG in accordance with the statute and regulations. He is responsible for his work to the Assembly and to the Governing Board.


The Chairperson is the authorizing officer for financial and material operations of the AAG.


Convenes meetings of the general meeting. During the longer absence, he is replaced by the chairman of the board of directors.


When the President of the AAG resigns, his powers of the Chairperson of the Management Board pass until the election of the new President of the AAG. The withdrawal shall be taken by the Management Board.

Supervisory Board


Article 32


The Supervisory Board consists of three members elected by the Assembly for a term of four years, with the possibility of re-election. Members elect among themselves the president.


The members of the Supervisory Committee may not be simultaneously members of the Management Board. The members of the Supervisory Committee have the right to attend the meetings of the bodies, but without the right to vote.



Article 33


Work of the Supervisory Board:

- monitor the work of the bodies during the assemblies,

- supervises the financial and material operations of the AAG;

- report on its findings and work to the General Meeting and to the Management Board

- propose to the Assembly the discharge of the AAG bodies.


The Supervisory Committee is quorum if all members are present. It adopts valid decisions unanimously.



Honorable tribunal



Article 34


The honorable tribunal has 3 members elected by the Assembly for a term of 4 years with the possibility of re-election.



Article 35


The Honorary Tribunal shall rule on the infringement of the provisions of the Statute, the failure to carry out the assignments undertaken, the failure to comply with the decisions of the bodies and actions that in any way harm the reputation of the AAG and the disputes between members and bodies


Article 36


The Honorary Arbitration Tribunal shall meet as necessary on the basis of a written explanation of the proposal of the members or bodies of the AAG.


The hearing in court is oral and public. The tribunal shall decide on the matter unanimously in the presence of all three members.



Article 37


The Honorary Tribunal may, in the procedure of proven breach, impose a reminder, a public warning, a ban on performing the function of a member of the AAG member or excluding a member from the AAG.


The honorable tribunal shall take into account the gravity of the act and the degree of guilt and the other circumstances of the case when deciding the measure.


The party has the right to appeal against the decision of the honorable tribunal to the AAG Assembly within 30 days after the notification of the decision, which decides on the matter.


Article 38


The honorable tribunal must decide on the matter within 3 months of receipt of the reasoned proposal for initiating the procedure before the honorable court.


If more than a year has elapsed since the day of the violation, the introduction of the procedure is time-barred. 




Article 39


The work of AAG and its organs is public. In order to ensure the public's work and the provision of information, the President of the AAG is responsible.

The AAG informs the public about its activities, decisions and attitudes regarding issues of environmental protection and nature conservation through means of public information, printing publications and other forms of information.




Article 40


AAG's assets consist of movable and immovable property and cash used by a non-governmental organization. The assets of a non-governmental organization are managed by a board of directors.


Real estate can only be purchased and disposed of with the resolution of the general meeting.


Article 41


Revenue AAG is:

- membership fee;

- donations, voting and donor contributions;

- financing from the budget of municipalities and the state;

- proceeds from material rights and AAG activities;

- own revenue

- other incomes.


AAG is a non-profit association of members who can occasionally perform profitable activities in the form of profits from organizing expert workshops and meetings or from the subject of material copyrights. All acquired funds can be used exclusively for the operation of the company.


Article 42


Cash is kept in a transaction account.


Information on the financial and material operations of the AAG is provided in the manner and in the form required by applicable legislation and accounting standards for companies.


The financial operations of the company are managed by a cashier. The cashier shall report to the Management Board on the state of all cash and other financial activities.


The financial documents are signed by the treasurer and the chairman of the board of directors, and in his absence one of the members of the board of directors.


The field of organization and implementation of financial operations is regulated by the internal act of the company.





Article 43


AAG shall cease at the discretion of the members, by merging or merging with other associations in the field of environment and nature protection, if so decided by the Assembly by a two-thirds majority.


AAG ceases under the law itself, on the basis of compulsory settlement or bankruptcy or on the basis of a judicial ban on the functioning of the association. AAG also ceases if the number of its members falls below two members.


In the event of the AAG termination, after the settlement of the obligation, the assets are transferred to its members or other company working in the field of environment and nature protection. Budgetary funds are returned to the budget. The Shareholders' Meeting shall decide on the transfer of assets by resolution.


In case of termination of the company, all necessary procedures for the removal of the company from the register shall be regulated by the legal representative of the company.







Article 44


The Statute and all subsequent amendments and amendments shall enter into force as soon as they have been adopted at the General Meeting.

Article 45


This statute was adopted by the General Assembly on 30.07.2011. On that date, the Statute of the AAG was adopted by the General Assembly on 14.08.2009


President of the AAG:


Vojko Bernard







Sasa Mlakar

Alpe Adria Green - mednarodna organizacija za zaščito okolja in narave Slovenija, Hrvaška, Italija, Srbija, Črna Gora, Severna Makedonija, Bosna in Hercegovina. V Sloveniji delujemo kot društvo v javnem interesu za zaščito okolja in v javnem interesu za zaščito narave.

Naslov: Prešernova 26, 4270 Jesenice, Slovenija, EU.  

 Web:          E-pošta:         GMS: 051 311 450

TRR: Sparkasse d. d.; SI56 3400 0101 4687 391,               Addiko Bank d. d.: SI56 3300 0000 6508 788       
Mat. št.: 1173120      DŠ: 78020239

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